Sigismund II Augustus
Persons, originating from Poland

Sigismund II Augustus

Born: August 1, 1520 in Cracow
Died: July 7, 1572 in Knyszyn
Name in Polish: Zygmunt II August
Name in Lithuanian: Žygimantas Augustas

He was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II succeeded in 1548. He was the first ruler of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the last male monarch from the Jagiellonian dynasty.
He maintained a tolerance policy towards minorities and maintained peaceful relations with neighbouring countries, with the exception of the Northern Seven Years' War. Under his patronage the culture flourished in Poland. He established the first regular Polish navy and the first regular postal service in Poland. 1569 he oversaw the signing of the Union of Lublin between Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which formed the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and introduced an elective monarchy.

More information
    King Zygmunt II August
  in armor from the 1650s.

Polonica stamps:

Lithuania 2020, 01 VIII