Haym Salomon
Persons, originating from Poland

Haym Salomon

Born 1740 in Leszno, Poland
Died 1785 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He was a prime financier of the American side during the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.

In 1781, Congress established the Office of Finance to save the United States from fiscal ruin. Salomon allied himself with Superintendent of Finance William Morris and became one of the most effective brokers of bills of exchange to meet federal government expenses. Salomon also personally advanced funds to members of the Continental Congress and other federal officers, charging interest and commissions well below the market rates. While supporting the national cause, Salomon also played a prominent role in the Philadelphia and national Jewish community affairs. He served as a member of he governing council of Philadelphia's Congregation Mikveh Israel. He was treasurer of Philadelphia's society for indigent travelers, and participated in the nation's first known rabbinic court of arbitration. Salomon
Solomon and Washington Monument in
Chicago. Solomon holds a symbolic money
bag for the rescue of the American army.

helped lead the successful fight to repeal the test oath which barred Jews and
other non-Christians from holding public office in Pennsylvania.
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Polonica stamps:

USA 1975, 25 III